Wyverian's Corner

Deadpool and Wolverine

I saw Deadpool and Wolverine in theaters today. I'm not typically a superhero movie watcher, I think I saw green lantern when it came out? And that was notoriously bad. But the deadpool movies always seemed interesting to me because hey, he's funny! I was much too young when they started coming out to see them though, as they're all rated R (and for good reason). So this was my first deadpool movie and first superhero movie in at least a decade (unless you count the animated spiderverse movies). I really liked it! Deadpool is a violently bisexual/pansexual man in my opinion. The homoerotic undertones were extremely present in this movie! And maybe seeing a lot of stuff of the two on Tumblr afterwards amplifies this, but very gay movie I think. I definitely think some people in the theater were uncomfortable with the sheer amount of gay jokes/ references in the movie. But yeah! very fun movie. Plot wise a little weird but it's an enjoyable dumpster fire.

Modern movies these days really shock me with production quality. Like WE CAN DO THAT?! Effects and real backgrounds are bafflingly impressive nowadays. I watched the 3rd trolls movie recently as well and the textures in the 3d animation are insane. We've come so far in a decade.

Also making entirely CGI movies and having them look good... crazy

#movies #thoughts