Wyverian's Corner

Never Outgrowing a Show

I'm admittedly a pretty big fan of Hasbro's children's show, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. I've liked this show for a while now, beginning back when I was it's target audience. I enjoyed watching it throughout elementary school to about the beginning of middle school (I liked it enough to even visit PonyCon, which was awesome btw). I then dropped it, and I cannot tell if it was because I simply didn't like it much anymore, or I was going through a typical middle schooler phase where you need to drop childish things and fit in. I tried to hide anything My Little Pony I had for the next couple of years as I got really into Pokemon at the time.

In high school, MLP FiM finally ended. With much of the bronies leaving online spaces, I ran into lots of fans my age making MLP fanart on social media. This really got me back into the show. As a kid I was a lurker online as I wasn't allowed social media (which I am thankful for! the age restriction is there for a reason) I only would browse Equestria Daily and doodle ponysonas in my notebook at recess. I have nothing against bronies, they were just always much older. But now, with many people my age I felt more comfortable than ever to be active in the community and with fans IRL! There used to be (and might still be) some very hateful MLP brony groups while the show was still running that were very racist and homophobic. As a lesbian the fact that the post show fandom was such a open and welcoming LGBTQ+ space was really important for me, and certainly a drawing factor.

All of my close IRL friends definitely know about my love for this show and its fandom, and are very loving and supportive. I'm so happy that I can show my friends drawings of my ponysona without the fear of being made fun of. I'm not super vocal about liking the show in public, but I do have MLP keychains on my backpack that I bring around. The laptop I'm writing this on has an Applejack sticker on it! So me liking the show is not exactly a secret. I even became friends a MLP fan in my class who liked my sticker :).

So yeah, I like the colorful horse show :) the people I've met are also great!

#MLP #things I like #thoughts