Wyverian's Corner

Phone Screen Time

Over the past couple of months I've been trying to rectify how much time I spend on my phone and particularly social media. I deleted most social media and probably spend >20 minutes on all social media each day at this point in time. Which is great! But a lot of help guides seem to put you stop scrolling on your phone and boom, you never spend much time on your phone anymore, which hasn't been the case for me. While I certainly spend less time, I find I spend a good amount of time on my phone even while using it intentionally. I love to listen to music and audiobooks, and keep up with far away friends via text and call! I see people negate these 'issues' in their self help videos by barely contacting people and outsourcing other tools the phone has to another device. Personally I think this is impractical. I don't feel like going out and purchasing an iPod is worth it just to see a smaller screen time number on my phone. My phone screen time may never be a stellar >30 minutes a day consistently, but I feel the ways I use it on a daily basis are not wasteful. My phone is a very nifty tool and I'm getting use of its features!
